My name is Mete Can Akar. I am computer scientist working as a machine learning engineer, currently living in Heilbronn, Germany.

I’ve been programming for at least 10 years, making a living from it for at least 7 years. It has been an interesting and varied journey: from mobile and web development (fullstack) written in Java, C#, Javascript, SQL to big data, data engineering and data science using Python and Spark.

In my daily work, I beat data to extract meaningful information out of it. I enjoy taking part in every step of wide-ranged data science projects, from business and data understanding to deployment.

Some of the technologies that I am using can be listed as: Python, Spark, Airflow, Azure DevOps, Azure Databricks, Hadoop, Hive, Splunk and KNIME.

I do kaizen.

Apart from nerding, I like being outside and I am a big fan of exercising (calistenics, basketball, biking, running, swimming etc.)


My resume be accessed here my resume and hopefully it will answer some of your questions. Feel free to contact me via Linkedin if you want to reach out to me.